The Free 5 Day Entrepreneur Tune Up

What does a tune up or spark plugs have to do with entrepreneurship? A few weeks ago my wife came into the house and said my honda pilot is feeling weird when I drive it. The next time we were driving it she said, do you feel that? And I did feel a little bit of a lag, it definitely felt like something was off. And in all my mechanical wisdom, I said I am sure it’s ok or maybe it’s the transmission. And just to be clear on my level of mechanical knowledge, here is what I can do, I can change a flat tire, jump a car, and check the oil, and that’s about it. 

This past Sunday the entire car began to shake, the car felt like it was going to just shut off, then the check engine light went on and began to flash.  After taking it to Autozone to get a scanner to find out the error code, watching some YouTube videos, and some trouble shooting, I found out there was a problem with cylinder one in the six cylinder engine. I thought to myself, how could just one cylinder keep a car from functioning and potentially completely destroying the car?

The 6 Cylinder Entrepreneur

In HeRose we believe every man has six dimensions to him and that he is called to live in all Super Six areas of life. When we started HeRose my best friend and business partner talked about exclusively making our mastermind a business or entrepreneur mastermind, but we had a strong feeling to do otherwise. We could not be leaders of a mastermind that was only concerned with success in the business world. How could we sit at the table with other men who were killing in business but losing their wives, children, and health at the same time. And so we decided to go against all the savvy recommendations that state you need to niche down to a specific category. Our niche is, we will not niche! We believe each man is called to live prosperously in all Super Six Areas of life.

The 6 Dimensions

  1. Health
  2. Wealth 
  3. Relationships
  4. Mental 
  5. Spiritual 
  6. Adventure    

What If One Measly Cylinder Is Not Firing?

What if I said you need all Super Six areas of your life firing successfully to succeed as an entrepreneur, would you believe me? Well, let’s look at the car situation again. What can happen if the cylinders in your engine are not firing properly? This is what I found on a Honda site: 

If left untreated, a cylinder misfire can lead to significant engine damage. Worse, if you experience a bad misfire while driving, it could result in an accident. This is why it’s important to treat engine misfires as soon as you detect them.

Essentially, you could have a ton of costly damage or worse yet bodily harm to you or anyone in the car with you. This is similar to the Super Six areas of life. Many men chase after the one dimension of wealth and money because that’s what the world tells us to do. And many men have gotten so tied up in this singular focus that they lose their families, or destroy their health. Just as a vehicle needs all cylinders firing correctly in order to get optimal gas mileage and vehicle performance, as entrepreneurs we need all 6 key areas firing properly in order to perform at our peak. 

What If I gave You 1 Million Dollars Today But…

Let me demonstrate why chasing finances is not the most important aspect of life:

If I gave you 1 million dollars today but you had to die tomorrow, would you take the money? No, right? So, time is more valuable than money.

If I gave you 1 million dollars today but you had to be severely sick the rest of your life, would you take the money? No, right? So health is more valuable than money.

If I gave you 1 million dollars today but the person you love the most in the world had to die tomorrow, would you take the money? No, right? So, relationships are more important than money.

If I gave you 1 million dollars today but you could never experience joy or peace for the rest of your life, would you take the money? No, right? So, fulfillment is more valuable than money.

Change Your Spark Plugs And Perform Optimally

I ended up  isolating the issue to an old spark plug in cylinder number one. So I went back to AutoZone to purchase a spark plug, I talked to my Dad prior and he said if you are going to replace one you might as well replace all the spark plugs, and so I did. The car is no longer shaky or feeling like it is going to shut off, it is running like new, and is getting way better gas mileage!

One cylinder not firing properly really does have severe consequences in a vehicle, as does one of your Super Six not firing properly can lead to unfulfillment, stress, anxiety, destroyed relationships, and deteriorating health.

Free 5 Day Entrepreneur Challenge 

At HeRose we believe every man is capable of killing it in business without killing the other areas of life. We want you to unleash the power of prosperity in business and all of your life. And we know you can’t do it alone. That is why we created the tune up we all could use, The Free 5 Day Entrepreneur Challenge. This challenge will have world class training from successful men who strive to keep all Super Six cylinders firing strong, accountability with a group of men participating in the challenge, a workbook to document clear action plans for the new year, and FREE giveaways, don’t miss this opportunity!



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