The Secret To Having It All…

I would consider myself relatively healthy and fit, I mean I have played sports my whole life, I even made it to the college level to play football. I am thirty-five years old as I write this blog, I am a father of three girls under the age of seven, I am married, I have multiple businesses and my college football days are way behind me. You would probably imagine that “the best shape of my life” stage has passed me and is behind me, well you would be wrong.

Stop Living One Dimensionally  

Let me tell you, I am in the best shape of my life, stronger, faster, healthier than ever. And that’s just one of the areas of life I am excelling in. Before I list how well I am doing, let me state this very clearly. This is not a boastful blog, this is not to showcase myself for the sake of approval, or likes, or to simply show off. This is to CALL YOU OUT and to let you know YOU CAN DO IT AS WELL. As I look just over the last thirty days I am blown away at how the secret I am about to share with you really does work. 

  • I am in the best shape of my life
  • I have been with my wife for 20 years and we are more happy than ever, I mean we can barely keep our hands off each other
  • I have three amazing daughters who I know individually, who love me so much, who still run to me as I enter the house and hate to see me leave
  • I have multiple streams of income and this last month of July was our largest 5 figure month we have ever had
  • I am more intimately in relationship with my God 
  • My mental health and development are at a all time high
  • I have peace and joy every single day I wake up and I enjoy every minute of my life

My goal in life is to not be the best at one thing, but to live a WHOLE life. And this means having 

Health – Optimized and weaponized

Wealth – Abundant flowing streams of revenue

Relationships – Openly receiving and fully giving unconditional love and selflessly serving 

Mental – Experiencing peace, and always growing through intentional improvement 

Spiritual –  Actively seeking an intimate relationship with God

Adventure – Practicing fun and joy daily 

There are too many young men out there posting pictures of themselves in the gym striving for success in just one dimension of life. Here is an invite to those guys, come run with me in the real game of life. There are also a ton of businessmen who are killing it at business but killing themselves or their families along the way, to those men I say, I can have it all, you can do it, and I can show you how!

The Secret

You are probably wondering, what the heck is the secret? Well, here it is:

Consistency over Intensity!

Too many men think that intensity and will power is what is needed to achieve success. The problem with that is intensity and will power run out and you will burn out. For example, in my health after I left college and moved into the real world I recognized that it was harder to make time to stay healthy and fit yet I fell into the trap that so many men fall into. 

I would start to workout and go strong for a couple of weeks, then mysteriously I would fall off. Then maybe a few weeks later I would be inspired again and I would use the intensity mentality to start back up. I remember one time, I was so upset for letting myself fall off, that I decided the best thing to do was to bring the most intensity I possibly could. So I decided the best way to be intense was instead of driving to the gym 5 miles away I would run there workout for 2 hours and then run back. What a dumb move! I did this but I was dead at the end of this crazy idea, and guess what happened the next day, I did not make it to workout, I needed to river for a whole week. 

3 Steps To Implement The Secret 

Here are the ways I have incorporated the secret that continues to compound success in my life.

  1. Write out the results you want in each Super Six areas of your life 
  2. Incorporate the HeRose Edge daily habits plan into your life and track your progress
  3. Expose your progress and results to men who will keep you accountable

To accelerate your progress I would encourage you if you haven’t already to join the HeRose 5-Day Challenge Facebook group. This group is for men who are committed to consistently challenging themselves to live well in all areas of life.



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