What if we started our day, looked at our phone and on the top right corner the red battery symbol was blaring with a meager 3% charge. How crazy would we sound if we stated to ourselves and those around us, that we are going to make it the whole day on just 3% charge? Even on the ultra battery save mode that so many of our phones have, it would be ridiculous to believe that our phones could make it the entire day. Yet, I see so many men painstakingly attempting to make it through their days or lives on a scntly 3% charge.
What Is Your Source Of Power
Just as a phone needs to be connected to a power source with a stronger power in order to recharge, as men, we need the same thing. The source of power I am talking about is not necessarily an electronic source of power, what I am talking about is the Spiritual power source every man should be connected to on a daily basis. HeRose is a nondenominational men’s mastermind, meaning we are not affiliated to any church or religion. However the Spiritual area is one of the Super Six we encourage men to seek success and significance in. I have something I tell the men often that relates to the core belief that every man should have a Spiritual Source,
“It is perilous to be the man who does not submit and drop to his knees in reverence to a power greater than himself.”
How To Find a Spiritual Source
Have you ever connected your phone into a different charger than the usual one you use? Maybe the charger is from a totally different manufacturer and all though the charging cord fits, your phone displays a message that says something like this, “plugged into an insufficient power source.” This indicates that the source of power is not strong enough to replenish your phone’s power. Just like our phones we need to ensure we are plugged into the proper Spiritual power source.
3 Questions To Ask Yourself To Find Your Spiritual Power Source
- Why do I believe what I believe? Too often I find men who claim to be of a certain faith or religion simply because that is what their families decided for them so long ago. I am not saying you need to rebel or believe in something different, just don’t accept what you have been told to believe without exploring the truth for yourself.
- Does the Spiritual Source take the burden off of your shoulders? I have seen too many men follow a belief system that requires for them to be the end all be all. I am totally for self improvement and growth, I mean heck that’s what we encourage in HeRose. However, at the end of the day there must be grace and unconditional love rooted in your spiritual source. Otherwise you are relying on you and only your efforts, which is like a phone being plugged into itself expecting to replenish its energy.
- Do you have men you can talk to about the Spiritual area of your life? One of the most valuable assets I had as I was exploring and looking for my Spiritual source over 12 years ago was having a brother journey with me. We would attend different churches and religious events and discuss what we found. We had an open mind, heart and soul, which allowed us to find the true source of power for each of us.
Stop Trying To Live Life On 3%
Despite what some people believe, we as humans are still vastly more powerful, important, and smarter than our “smart phones”. I have heard of people literally turning the car around after driving for 30 minutes to go back home because they forgot their phone. What if we put this same level of importance into our Spiritual life?
As men we are told to work, produce, provide, lead, don’t forget in order to do those; we need to RECHARGE! Find and connect to your spiritual source every day! Lastly, you don’t have to do it alone, find a group of brothers who will encourage this Spiritual journey in your life. HeRose is a place we encourage all men to connect to their Spiritual source everyday, stay connected with us so you can join the mastermind when we reopen membership.