So I was in the shower the other day and I had this idea strike me. It was after a week that kind of sucked. I didn’t accomplish everything I would have liked to and I slacked off more than usual. The world will have men believe that our worth is based on our work, that our identity rests in what we accomplish. This is why you see so many men chasing after the next big thing. We are misled to believe that when we attain the next promotion, the next big client, the bigger house, the nicer car that we will feel worthy, loved, and at peace. Yet, time and time again we are left feeling empty and feeling like it’s not enough.
I Am Not What I Do
When it’s good it’s good, when it’s bad it’s, well, real bad. I’m talking about how we as men think about ourselves, who we believe we are. I have weeks when I feel like a badass and then I have weeks where I feel like a dumbass and it’s all based on my I do’s and my I did’s. Weeks that I do what I believe I should be doing, I feel great, I can confidently say I am being true to my identity of who I would like to be. Which is a good man, a man who follows through on what he says he will do, a man that is not easily distracted, a man who works diligently to be a great husband, father, entrepreneur and leader. The weeks I am not doing what I believe I should be doing or acting in a way that is not totally aligned with who I believe that I am, I feel down, ashamed, I feel like a fraud. This is not how we were meant to live life. Our sense of worth, or identity cannot be based on our actions.
I Am Enough
Our identity needs to be unwavering and absolutely clear. Who we are cannot be determined by what we do, rather, what we do should come from having a crystal clear understanding of who we are. If you are tired of living a life that feels like a roller coaster of emotions and the weight of pressure to perform, that is unbearable and then this is the invitation to clarify your true identity. This is an invitation to live knowing that right now in this moment, no matter what you did in your past, what your accomplishments are, what you have failed at, how much money you have, who you have you hurt the mistakes you have made, the victories or the losses; YOU ARE ENOUGH exactly the way that you are. You are powerful, you are loved, you are worthy, you are perfectly you.
The 3 Steps To Your I.D.
Trust me I know you can’t just read the last paragh and know forever the truth of your identity. We are human, we have emotions and it will be constant intention and work to remember the truth about who you are. Here are the three steps I take daily to stay clear on my identity and to remove the anxiety and stress of performance that is put on men.
- Source – In HeRose we encourage men to connect to a Spiritual source on a daily basis. This is where I go everyday to be reminded that I am loved, I am a son of a King, and I am made new through Him. You don’t have to believe what I believe but if you want to know who you are, go to who created you.
- Affirmation – When you get clarity on your true identity, and recognize that it has nothing to do with what you do you will experience a new level of peace and power. From this peace and power I have written a daily affirmation of who I am and I read everyday.
- Men – Get around men who recognize our worth is not our work. This belief is not a common one, therefore you must seek out otherwise you will be influenced by the lie of the world. If you hang with men whose identities are so wrapped in their titles at work, or their bank account inevitably you will be influenced by their way of thinking. This is why I stay connected to the men of HeRose on a daily basis.
Your I.D. Will Never Expire
Men, I want to remind you that there is nothing you can or cannot do that changes who you are. You are a HERO! You were created with such great power, you are meant to be here, you are loved and worthy of everything this world has to offer. If you find yourself needing to be reminded of this, join our Facebook Group and never forget who you are!