Expose Yourself More To Men!

No, I am not talking about dropping your towel in front of men in the locker room as you all get dressed after a workout. I am talking about exposing all areas of your life to men you respect, so that you can experience the power that comes from being transparent with other men. The is a supernatural force that comes from being open, accountable, and consistent with other men. This sole act of exposing myself to men I respect over the last decade has and will continue to grant me amazing exponential results in all Super Six areas of life. 

It Shouldn’t Only Happen In The Locker Room

For some men the only time they expose any part of their life to men is when they drop their towel in the locker room. If this is the only time you open up and are vulnerable (pun intended) then you are missing out on a power that can help you improve as a man, husband, father, and entrepreneur. The power that comes from this regular exposure to men you respect is a level of accountability, and a level of challenge that we simply cannot achieve on our own. When you increase the level of exposure you have in front of men you respect, that increases the level of visibility and naturally that will increase your level of discipline and that will improve your performance and your results in your life.

Show Me Your Super Six

Ok let’s talk about exactly what you will be exposing to other men. In HeRose we strive to live Whole Man Success and avoid getting stuck in the trap that so many men get caught in of living a one dimensional life. We would encourage you to expose your Super Six areas of life to men you respect. The Super Six areas of life are: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Mental, Spiritual, and Adventure. When exposing your Super Six you want to have three layers of exposure:

  1. Current Results – This is a great opportunity to take a moment and look at the reality of your life and see how you are doing. You and the men you are exposing yourself to can ask these questions: What is the score in each one of your Super Six areas of life? If you had to just give yourself a quick assessment in each one of the categories how would it go? Are you at the level you would like to be? Are you at the level you thought you’d be at? Are you happy with the results in each one of your Super Six?
  2. Desired Results  – Now that you know where you are in each of the Super Six, you can take some time to envision what your ideal results would be. At this point ask these questions: What do I want in this area of life? Can I improve in this area of life? If I could have any level of success in this area, what would that success look like? The other important aspect to this level of exposure is being very specific and writing down these desired results. You could break this detail into goals and progress check points. 
  3. Progressive Results   Now that you know where you are starting from and where you want to go, the most critical thing to do is to stay accountable to the plan and the progress you are making. Remember the proof is in…no, not the pudding, the proof is in the PROGRESS. In order to have the best chance of achieving your desired results you need to be diligent in tracking your progress on your plan and share this progress with the men you respect. 

Men You Respect 

You may have noticed that I have used that word multiple times already throughout this blog and you may have noticed that I used bold text, there is a reason for this. The power and the awesome results that come from exposing yourself to other men does not just happen if you expose yourself to any group of men. I had a mentor who would illustrate the very important point of intentional association by saying, “who you hang with is who you become. If you hang out with bank robbers you will eventually rob a bank, or you will at least be driving the getaway car.” 

I remember when I started HeRose, some men got it and some men just didn’t get it. Or as we say now, HeRose is for who it’s for. I still have friends I’ll visit (less periodically), have a beer, play some video games and really, that’s it. But that’s ok, that is the level of relationship that this guy and I have at this point. Let’s be real, some men are ready to be honest about where they are, where they want to go, and the work that needs to be done and some men are just comfortable and unwilling to challenge themselves. In order to experience the supernatural power that exposure can get you, you need to find a group of men who are also striving to do well in all Super Six areas of life! If you don’t want to spend tons of time searching for these men, you can start by joining our HeRose Challenge Facebook Group and begin the exponential growth in your life through exposing yourself to men you respect!



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