3 Tips From a Badass

I recently had a talk with a powerful men’s life coach. This guy is the type of man you look at and say, “I want to be like him when I grow up.” I mean he has a physical presence like a superhero out of a comic, his marriage is full of love and excitement, his children respect and love him, he has multiple businesses providing multiple streams of income. To summarize he is a real life badass superhero. As the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning in March 2020 this gentleman and his wife wanted to get away from the craziness and he wanted to live a little slower so they picked up and moved to Costa Rica.

Who Wouldn’t Want This? 

WOW! I know right, who wouldn’t want to do something like that? Which one of you men reading this, wouldn’t want to have a strong healthy body, amazing deep relationships with those in your lives, multiple thriving businesses, a deep rewarding spiritual life? I am certain each man I ask, if he is honest, would answer with a resounding,”yes”. So, for those of you who have answered yes, I am going to share some of the wisdom I gained from my conversation with this real life badass. 

Increase The R.P.M In Your Life

During my conversation with this badass he asked three question that gave me clarity and enthusiasm to start living the life I want, and I am going to ask those question and encourage you to answer them for yourself now:

  1. Result – What result do you want? What type of life do you truly desire to live? Seriously, take just a second and answer this question. What the heck do you want? 

Maybe you want to lose some weight and back into shape, (shameless plus – join our free 5-day Physical Transformation Challenge to jump start this.) Or Maybe you want to start that business and bring another stream of income into your life. Ok, so what outcome do you want? The more specific the more powerful. For example, “I want to lose 10 pounds of fat by August 2022” is better than just, “I want to lose weight.” Ok, pull out a paper and a pen or if you are a digital note taker get your keyboard and write this down.

  1. Purpose – What is your purpose? What are your reasons you want the above result in your life? Why is the result you just wrote down a must in your life not just a wish or a hope. You want to connect some strong emotions into the result you want, this will solidify the focus you have on the new result. As you get ready to write this part of your R.P.M plan down, think of powerful words that will excite and motivate you to take action. For example, if you want to lose weight, not only because you want to have more energy and you want to feel better, maybe you also want to look better. Ok take some time and write down the purpose 
  1. Massive Action – What do I need to do right now? What can I do right now to make progress on. Now something to note here, this is an action YOU can take and no one can take for you. So be sure you write down action items you have control of. Don’t put off taking action because of something or someone outside of your control. Also, don’t just write down one or two things, be sure to write down a list of action items. After you have this list you can hone in on which is most important. For example, sticking with the weight loss example, you could things down like; 
    1. Start researching a diet and workout plan that best works for you or just use the HeRose 5 S System 
    2. Make an appointment with a dietitian and my primary care doctor to strategize your plan
    3. Shop for running/workout shoes etc. 

Get Off Your Ass, Take Action Now

Literally while I was on the call with this real life badass I was vigorously taking notes about what he was saying and right after I wrote down my R.P.M plan. I am tired of waiting for the circumstances to be perfect, or other people to act in order for me to act, I am tired of scrolling and watching from the stands and just admiring the men who are there making it happen. And so I have a new fire and energy to follow through on my R.P.M plan. 
I am not going to wait for you or try to convince you why you need to make this plan. I am simply going to invite you to come with me. I want running mates, men who don’t need me to carry them the whole race. I want men who are ready to take action and also want someone with them in the fight. If you feel the why I do, then I would encourage you to take action on this R.P.M plan now and join us in the free 5-Day Physical Transformation Challenge. Let’s go!!!



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