From Rats to Men to HeRose

“Like a rat in a maze the path before me lies and the pattern never alters until the rat dies.” This is a song lyric from the song “Patterns” by Simon and Garfunkel from the 60’s. Sadly, I believe the lyrics to this song are a reality many men find themselves living in today. 

The Rat Race

Run, run, run, get the cheese. The original use of the term rat race was used to describe rats racing to see which would get to the cheese first. Who would win? Who would beat the other rat to achieve the ever desired role of “cheese winner”? Nowadays, according to Wikipedia, rat race is defined as an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. The phrase equates humans to rats attempting to earn a reward such as cheese, in vain. It may also refer to a competitive struggle to get ahead financially or routinely.

Have you found yourself in an exhausting, repetitive lifestyle that leaves no time for relaxation or enjoyment?

Have you ever thought to yourself, is this it? Is this what life is all about? Am I stuck in the rut of  home to work attempting to win the cheese? 

Have you found yourself thinking like Malcom Forbes did when he stated, “the one who has the most toys when he dies wins”? Or, whoever makes the most money, or has the biggest house wins? Maybe for today’s social media world, the phrase would sound more like, whoever has the most likes, follows, or views wins? 

The Other Rat is “Mr. Jones” 

“Have you seen the new, self-driving car the Joneses just got.?” “What about their new home they just purchased, it has a pool and heated tile floors!” “I heard Mr. Jones just launched his 100th successful business.” I am sure you are all familiar with the term “Keeping up with Joneses” but are we as familiar with how true it is for so many of us men? 

We compare, then compare some more and finally we compare even further, leaving us feeling inadequate or unworthy. We feel this way because of one simple reason; we compare our worst with everyone else’s picture perfect life they just posted on social media. Why do you think we get stuck in a race no one can ever really win?

Are You Even a Man

Maybe you feel like you are not one of the many men stuck in the elusive rat race. Maybe you are one of the men who are focussed on the “hustle” on “providing” or on “producing”. This new way of labeling our success can also be elusive. Often, as men we can falsely place our identity and worth on what we do and not on who we truly are. Or we get lost in thinking our only value is providing for our families. Either way, this too can be a dangerous elusive race. As we begin this new year, this ever overbearing feeling of accomplishing more, checking more items of your checklist, making more money or losing more weight can be more burdensome than ever.

Pressure To Perform

What do you do when you feel the pressure to perform? Some men “put their nose to the grindstone” and work twelve to fourteen hour days, some men may feel that the pressure is too much and they shrink into an isolated island that they believe is safer, a place they can’t fail. Both of these scenarios do not lead to a healthier, happier life. In the first scenario you overwork and kill your health and your relationships or in the second scenario you isolate yourself so much that you diminish or destroy any real trusting relationships. 

There is good news, the rat race and “being a man by providing” are not the only two ways to live! 

Your HeRo Origin Story 

In HeRose we believe that instead of placing your worth or identity as a man on who has the biggest house or who can provide the best for their family, place your identity in the truth about who you really are.


Right now, exactly as you are, you are powerful and worthy of peace, joy and prosperity. There are no prerequisites or certifications you need. 

You just have to believe me. 

What if I was right, what if you are capable of so much more not because of what you can do but because of the power that is already within you? You see, in HeRose we believe in order to live a purposeful and prosperous life we need to start on a solid foundation of knowing we are enough, we are HeRose. Could you imagine what work, marriage, or life could feel like if we operated from a peaceful place of knowing we are worthy versus tirelessly trying to claim our worth through our works? Well, let me tell you it’s;


This liberating feeling is not something I recognized once and have been able to just have day in and day out. It is something I have to work at maintaining daily. The best way I have found to live in my true identity daily is to be connected to other men who are doing the same.
I invite you to join the men who want more meaning not just money in their life, join us in HeRose as we reinforce the truth about who you are and see for yourself the impact it will have on your confidence, your relationships and your world. Join us in this discussion during our Free Wealthy Man Webinar January 16th 2022 6:00 pm PST. We will be opening HeRose membership once more and we want to give you the opportunity to see who we are.



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