3 Tips to Find the Wealth You’ve Always Wanted

If you’re like most men I know, you want financial freedom, but aren’t so clear about how to achieve it. You don’t realize that your beliefs about money have been holding you back from the wealth you’ve always wanted.

If you are not where you want to be financially, something must change. It all starts with one simple thing:


I have a mentor by the name of Jason Hartman. He’s a genius when it comes to building wealth. One of the things he taught me is: “Thou Shalt Become Educated.” That’s his first commandment of creating wealth and investing successfully.

How Financial Education Changed My Life

I went to school for Business Education. Like many of you, I came out of college with a whole lot of student debt. I was able to land a high-paying sales job, and yet it still wasn’t enough!

I realized that I had never truly learned how to become financially free. Through my upbringing, schooling, and even college, I’d learned a lot about history, science, and relationships and yet when it came to finances: I was left ignorant. I knew I wanted to become wealthy but didn’t know where to start. Thankfully, I discovered some tips and a solution to my problem.

I ventured into business for myself, and let me tell you it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I was faced with making decisions I felt unqualified to make and learning things I never thought I would learn. Not to mention the late nights and numerous hours I invested to hone my skills in that business. Did I mention yet, that it was hard. Through seeking out a mentor and applying the lessons I have been able to live like a king and I am going to share those secrets with you right now.

3 Things That Changed My Life and Led To Financial Freedom

Tip 1: Define What Wealth Means to You

I began by defining what my life would look like if I were financially free. I had to get a vision for my life and the lifestyle I wanted to live. It is important to define what value you want to bring to the world. Money is a byproduct of the value you create. Financial freedom became my goal because I realized that I often used money as an excuse. My anxiety about money was the main reason whether I did something or not and that’s not what I wanted in life. I didn’t want to be controlled by money any more. I wanted to be able to live my life without worrying about how much it costs.

Tip 2: If You Want to Become Financially Free, You must Learn to Have a Wealth Mindset

If you want to become wealthy, you must learn to think wealthy. That is exactly what I started to do. I began to read books from people just like me. The only difference was that they had achieved financial freedom and were living the way that I wanted to live. They had “the fruit of the tree”, as I like to call it. As I read, I was introduced to mindsets, information, wisdom and concepts around wealth that were completely foreign to me. I began to learn that my lack of education was the main thing keeping me from achieving financial freedom. My mind began to expand and my means began to expand along with it.

Tip 3: Take Action and be a Consistent Doer of What You are Learning

I began to apply the principles of wealth to my life as I became educated about them. The thing to know about wealth is that it doesn’t just happen overnight. You have to have the long-term vision and discipline to build lasting wealth. Financial freedom doesn’t have to take 40 years. It can happen as soon as 5-7 years. How? By staying consistent: keep learning and doing what the wealthy do and you will see yourself financially free.

Bonus Tip: Surround Yourself with Others Who are Like Minded

Get some friends who are also on the path of pursuing financial freedom. Spend time together. Build relationships and hold each other accountable to consistently do the things necessary that build wealth.

HeRose Helps Men Achieve Financial Freedom and Build Wealth that Leaves a Legacy.

A mastermind is a great way to fast-track your wealth-building journey. Education and learning are at the forefront of what we do in HeRose; and wealth is one of the important Super Six categories that we address. We have many discussions around the topics of: wealth, money, entrepreneurship, investing and living an abundant and wealthy life.

Come be around men just like you who are on their path to financial freedom!

Until next time remember,

Alone I am human, Together We Are HeRose!

Written by Brandon Holder
May 2021



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